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Publication Issue Title
Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series From civic protest to political reform: the case of Russia Conclusions  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series Social Movements Study: On Possible Development of its Theoretical Apparatus Social interpretation of natural and technical knowledge  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series A Mobilizing Role of Disaster: Social Movements, Networks and Democracy On shortcomings of rescue operations  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series From civic protest to political reform: the case of Russia The power elite response  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series Social Movements Study: On Possible Development of its Theoretical Apparatus SMs in emergency cases  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series A Mobilizing Role of Disaster: Social Movements, Networks and Democracy Political and scientific and institutions  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series From civic protest to political reform: the case of Russia The problem of a movement leader  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series Social Movements Study: On Possible Development of its Theoretical Apparatus How to reconcile individuality and collectivity?  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series A Mobilizing Role of Disaster: Social Movements, Networks and Democracy Revitalization of civil society (positive effects)  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series From civic protest to political reform: the case of Russia Evolution of the protest movement  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series Social Movements Study: On Possible Development of its Theoretical Apparatus The carrying capacity of an environment  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series A Mobilizing Role of Disaster: Social Movements, Networks and Democracy The role of Internet  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series From civic protest to political reform: the case of Russia Models of the mass protest movement  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series Social Movements Study: On Possible Development of its Theoretical Apparatus The role of internet  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series A Mobilizing Role of Disaster: Social Movements, Networks and Democracy Framing the issue and changing the sense and structure of a SM  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series From civic protest to political reform: the case of Russia Accumulation of a critical mass of protest  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series Social Movements Study: On Possible Development of its Theoretical Apparatus Risk and energy of decay  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series A Mobilizing Role of Disaster: Social Movements, Networks and Democracy Three phases of a SM mobilization  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series From civic protest to political reform: the case of Russia Shifts in national and global contexts  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series Social Movements Study: On Possible Development of its Theoretical Apparatus The relativity of social capital  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series A Mobilizing Role of Disaster: Social Movements, Networks and Democracy Theoretical background  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series From civic protest to political reform: the case of Russia A ‘new middle-class’ as the collective actor and its constituency  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series Social Movements Study: On Possible Development of its Theoretical Apparatus Historical approach and political opportunity structure (POS)  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series A Mobilizing Role of Disaster: Social Movements, Networks and Democracy Introduction  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

Center of Studies on Politics and Society - Working Paper Series From civic protest to political reform: the case of Russia What it was and what has been at stake?  PDF
Oleg Yanitsky

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